Tuesday 30 April 2013

Poland and Rocky Horror 2013!

Hi again!
So, I got back from my four day trip in Krakow, Poland a few days ago. It was pretty amazing. We saw many historical sites, such as Auschwitz, but it was also a very beautiful place. Very photogenic and full of perfect scenery, which I thought I'd share with you today.
Our hotel was really fabulous, and we were situated only five minutes away from the town which meant we could walk around and see this. I even had a view of the two clock towers from my hotel room. It was so lovely to wake up to in the morning, especially as the weather was so good and everything was light!
L-R: Charlotte, Shelby, me. My room mates for the week:) We loved our hotel space and we had a lot of fun together. People often came in and out of each other's rooms so it was a lot of fun. I've really brushed up on my poker skills since being in Poland.
Shopping was a lot of fun too. We went to the shopping centre on both nights of our full days, and we also shopped around the town and the market on both days. We were so close to everything! Shopping isn't really much of a different experience to it is at home, but it was just a lot more exciting with my friends.
To be honest, I think this photo really captures the essence of poker night, doesn't it? Yeah, not really.
Some friends of mine:) I took a lot of beautiful photos of the scenery, but I didn't want to bore any of you too much! I decided not to upload any photos of the concentration camps, in case it affects anyone, but it was a really unforgettable experience for me.
The night after I got back, I also broke my Rocky Horror virginity. I'd never been to the live show before, even though I've wanted to so, so much and I love the movie, but I finally got to! The live show was brilliant. Really fantastic. Transvestites? Just up my street. It really was an experience, and I'd recommend it to anyone. Here was my costume...
(Ooo, sassy). I loved everyone's Rocky Horror costumes! It was just so much fun! A really good laugh. I loved my costume too. Pretty fetching, eh? I looked like I could have been apart of Rose Tints My World. I went with my friend Shelby and our mum's and we all had a lot of fun.
Pretty cute, right? We're thinking a Rocky Horror theme for our joint 16th...
Mentioning birthdays: I turn 15 in just under 4 weeks! Pretty cool. I'm going up to Camden for my birthday, so I'm pretty excited about all of the shopping experiences there such as the market and charity shops.
I've just got back to school after four weeks off for work experience and Poland. It's not been very fun... This weekend I'm jam-packed again. We have bank holiday Monday, so I'm attending our local fair both Saturday and Sunday night with my friends. They're also staying at mine this weekend to hopefully film some vlogs for my YouTube channel which will be fun. I can't wait for the fair - it's always great fun. I also have the go ahead to get Bastille concert tickets for the winter tour in October/November. I'm really excited about that as Bastille are my favourite band.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my blogpost:) Cheers my dears!
Megan xoxo

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